Our clients come to us for assistance launching, joining, evaluating, or influencing open source software projects, and sometimes because they seek transformative change along open source principles for their own organizations.
The Team.
Our partners and staff draw on decades' worth of experience to provide professional guidance that enables our clients to navigate the technical, cultural, and legal landscape of open source with confidence and repeatability.

James Vasile — Partner
> james {AT}
James Vasile has fifteen years experience as a user, developer, advocate and advisor in the free and open source software world. His expertise is in software licensing and community-building, as well as non-profit and small business startup. He focuses on free software and open source production, although his work and interests often take him far beyond the world of software. Much of what James does involves teaching people how to build successful businesses around free software and ensuring licensing alignment in multisource FOSS stacks. James's technical experience also allows him to act as outsource CTO/Architect, due-diligence open source expert, new venture advisor, convening facilitator, and more.
James currently serves on the governing or advisory boards of Horizons, Brave New Software, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
In addition to his work with OTS, James was the founding Director of the Open Internet Tools Project, which during his tenure originated a variety of excellent community-based projects. These include Techno-Activism Third Mondays (a meetup that gathers people in over 20 cities around the world every month), the Circumvention Tech Festival (which has become the Internet Freedom Festival), and a 1000+ volunteer translation project now know as Localization Lab. He was also a founding board member of Overview Services, which made open source software that powers Pulitzer-winning data journalism.
Previously, James was a Senior Fellow at the Software Freedom Law Center, where he advised and supported a wide range of free software efforts.
James was a Director of the FreedomBox Foundation. He helped boot up and served on the board of Open Source Matters, the non-profit behind Joomla. He remains active in several technology development efforts. His FreedomBox work has been recognized by an Innovation Award at Contact Summit 2011 as well as an Ashoka ChangeMaker's award for Citizen's Media.
James frequently speaks and writes about technology trends and free software. You can learn more about him from his GitHub activity and his LinkedIn profile, or by connecting with him on Mastodon or Twitter.

Karl Fogel — Partner
> kfogel {AT}
Karl Fogel has been an open source developer, author, project manager, and specialist in collaborative development techniques since 1992.
In 1995, he and Jim Blandy co-founded Cyclic Software, the first company offering commercial support for CVS, the free software version control system; in 1997 he added support for anonymous read-only repository access to CVS. In 1999 he wrote Open Source Development With CVS (Coriolis OpenPress). From 2000-2006, he worked for CollabNet, Inc as a founding developer in the Subversion project. In 2005 he wrote Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project (O'Reilly Media).
He has since been an open source specialist at Google, at Canonical Ltd (where he helped release the code), at O'Reilly Media, and at Code for America/ Civic Commons, where he worked with non-profits and government agencies to release and manage open civic technology projects. Karl has also been a board member at the Open Source Initiative, an Open Internet Tools Project Fellow at the New America Foundation, and is a member of the Apache Software Foundation.
In addition to his books, some of his articles on collaborative development are: “Teams and Tools”, “Dissecting The Myth That Open Source Software Is Not Commercial”, “What's the Return on Investment for Open?”, “What Is Free Software?”, “Open source mistakes for enterprise newcomers” (with James Vasile), and “Be Open from Day One, not Day N”.
Further information can be found in his GitHub, Twitter, and accounts, among other places.
Representative Clients and Partners.
Our clients and partners include companies from global enterprises to small businesses, non-profits, and government agencies from national to municipal levels. This is a sampling of the clients and partners we work with.



Northrop Grumman



Peak Equity Partners

Black Duck Consulting


Case Commons


Office of the Comptroller, New York City

Department of Community Affairs, State of Georgia

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services
These resources about starting and managing open source projects were either produced by Open Tech Strategies, or were written by or with significant involvement from people now at OTS.
Open Source Archetypes: A Framework For Purposeful Open Source
A high-level typology of open source projects and what each type is best suited for. Commissioned by Mozilla and co-published with them.
Newbie Open Source Mistakes In Business
Concept map for a 2018 presentation by James Vasile and Cecilia Donnelly at SCALE16x.
Guidelines for Funding Open Source Software Development
A funder's guide to achieving program goals by vetting, sustaining, and empowering grantees who do open source software development.
NYC's Environmental Health Data Portal: An Open Path Forward.
New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene commissioned this report about why and how to adopt an open source approach for development of their environmental health data portal.
A Case Study On Institutional Investments In Open Source
A report on GeoNode, a successful open source project, that quantifies the ROI and identifies the strategies and tactics that drove success. It seeks to provide insight into the question of how to replicate that success.
Governance and Collaboration in the Wikimedia Development Ecosystem
A report commissioned by the Wikimedia Foundation about technical collaboration in the Wikipedia project, focusing especially on the relationship between volunteers and the Foundation in decision-making.
Some Common Issues in Open Source Licensing
Whitepaper on common questions about open source licensing. Originally written for a client, and published (with the client's agreement) because it addresses questions we encounter frequently.
Be Open From Day One, not Day N.
Why open sourcing is easiest and most effective when done at the start of development. Don't delay, open it today!
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project
A freely-licensed, widely cited book about how to organize and run open source projects.
Choosing a License
How to choose the right open source license for your project.
Releasing Open Source
A "how to release open source code" checklist.
Open Source Development Guidelines
General guidelines on how to run a project after it's open sourced, tuned especially for government projects.
A Legal Issues Primer for Open Source and Free Software Projects
A guide to common issues faced by free and open source software efforts.
GPL Status of CMS Themes
An exploration of how the GPL applies to extensions in the Wordpress Content Management System. These concepts apply to many other CMS and web app structures as well.
The ROI of Open
What is the return on investment of doing technology projects in an open source manner?
An Overview of Open Source
Slides for a presentation about how open source projects work.
OTS has no open positions currently. To review older job postings that are now closed, see our Jobs Archive.
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